Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Blog 4.2: Field Experience Reflection Days 3-4

This week started off slow for the students in the middle school because they had a substitute, but ended pretty fun. The students all seemed to really enjoy the activities that they did in class this week. On Tueday, April 2, there was a substitute teacher for Ms. Taylor. Being late in the year, the stdents all knew what was expected of them, and all were on their best behavior. My favorite thing that I saw today was that when going over the daily work, the students all knew what to do and help each other out, so no student was left behind. This also put less stress on the substitute. Thursday´s class was a lot of fun. The students got to learn about dominate and recessive traits. My favorite thing was watching the students take a colorblind test as a class. This was a fun way to allow the students to understand traits that are passed down. (One student was partially color-blind). On Tuesday, Ms.Taylor left the substitute with a well-written lesson plan, and left names of students that were trustworthy if the substitute needed anything to be done otside of the classroom. This is a great idea and is for sure something that I would want to leave my futer substitute with. On Thursday, Ms.Taylor maintained to turn a one-person eye test into an activity for the whole class. Even with this being a class activity, she was able to find out that one of the students was actually partially color-blind. Ms.Taylor made sure that all of the students felt included. This week I have learned that it is great to always leave a well thoughtout lesson plan for your substitute, and even add some extra information to help them out even more. I also learned how you can focus on an indiviual while having a class acivity. The students love doing group activities, and they all love helping each other at this age even though they can be sassy at times. These students are all also very determined, and very hard workers, and will make sure that they are doing their work to the best of their ability by always asking questions, and helping/reciaving help from others around them.

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Blog 4.3: Field Experience Reflection Days 5-6

Day 5 was a very busy day for the students they had a lot of work to do in their class, but the students all stayed on task and completed a...